Welcome to New and News Stories about Living in Downtown Denver!

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25 May 2010

Oh, Brother! Bar Badgers Bar Over Name!

We missed this Denver Business Journal story last week. And, today, Westword wrote about it, too. Our very own Downtown version of a McDonald's type muscle job. Take your name to town and beat up on the guy with the same name who has been there forever.

The DBJ article does a good job of explaining the case for My Brother's Bar v. It's Brothers Bar and Grill. The latter is a place planning on opening soon at 1920 Market, part of a Wisconsin-based chain, adding yet another sports and juvenile-drinking-activity establishment to that part of LoDo. My Brother's Bar, of course, has sat serenely and successfully for 40 years at 15th and Platte, selling the heck out of Girl Scout Cookies every year.

This is the place you go for a good burger or the JCB. Classical music plays throughout. The bartenders actually wear ties. The food comes atop funky plastic trays holding condiments, peppers and pickles. And, you can get popcorn. The outdoor patio is one of the better, and better hidden, patio drinking locations in the city. They don't even have a sign over the door. And, it's on the Denver Beat Tour, since its past as a hangout for the likes of Jack Kerouac. His picture is on the wall by the restroom.

There are no televisions at My Brother's Bar. Just a fine place to go. We all know that. Otherwise we would be entering the limbo contest at the other Brothers on Market Street. I think the older Brother should win this fight!

1 comment:

  1. Right on!! And I'm glad to see you mentioned my favorite at My Brother's Bar — the JCB.
