Welcome to New and News Stories about Living in Downtown Denver!

Here is a new community "newspaper" about life in LoDo and Downtown Denver. Opinionated? Likely. Entertaining? You'll see. Useful? Sure!

Denver by the Slice will be posting regularly. And, after each posting, your comments are welcome. Just click on the "Comments" below the post and fire away! Now, entering our 2nd Year (on the calendar, anyway), Denver by the Slice will bring more news and stories each week. Keep checking back!

24 February 2010

Just a Few More Days...

...to participate in Denver Restaurant Week. It ends on Friday. Even though you can't get to all 76 Downtown participants for the $52.80 dinner for two specials, chances are there are still spots at a couple of great places you haven't tried yet. See the list and the menus at www.denver.org/denverrestaurant.

...to watch the Winter Olympics from Vancouver, British Columbia. There are just enough glimpses of the surroundings to remind us what a beautiful part of North America the Vancouver area is. Now, if we just had an ocean! Closing this weekend.

...Until this month's Denver Mandolin Orchestra Free Concert at the
Wynkoop. Sunday, February 28 at 7:00 p.m. On tap, The Panache Ensemble for your monthly mandolin fix. And, some very good beer as well!

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